VVF is a brand-design management tool that combines qualitative and quantitative research with unique analytics to accurately inform and direct decision-making.

The VVF approach delivers relevant, objective, comparative and actionable insights on how specific brand intent resonates emotionally with individual customers. An in-depth, educated framework for design language and strategic brand direction, especially brand portfolio relationships, is a primary outcome of applying the VVF process.

VVF provides proprietary dynamic modeling that clearly defines personality, priorities, weaknesses and opportunities. The process clarifies and visualizes how brand attribute meaning is perceived and can be powerfully transformed through specific multi-dimensional associations to create appropriately expressive and differentiated solutions. Using VVF focuses creativity in context of brand and customer core values to ensure the most effective concepts across products, services, packaging, retail, websites, advertising and other communications.

The method contextualizes risk and determines a brand-design direction more relevant to customers and focused innovation, as well as reliable insights for measuring return on brand investment (ROBI).

Definable, repeatable, measurable, scalable and actionable, VVF is the strategic connection between brand intent and customer desire.

Copyright 2014 Tom Hardy, all rights reserved Verbal-Visual FrameworkSM, VVFSM, and the VVF logo are registered servicemarks of Tom Hardy.